Jazz SHUKLA 24.08.1998 Canada |
Personal BestsEvent | Result | Venue | Date |
600m ind. | 1:30.27 | Toronto (CAN) | 25.02.2017 | 800m | 1:58.20 | Complexe Sportif Claude-Robillard, Montréal (CAN) | 29.06.2024 | 800m ind. | 2:01.00 | Boston Univ. Track & Tennis Center, Boston, MA (USA) | 26.02.2023 | 1000m | 2:37.79 | Piste Ben Leduc, Montréal (CAN) | 21.06.2024 | 1000m ind. | 2:40.04 | Boston Univ. Track & Tennis Center, Boston, MA (USA) | 10.02.2023 | 1500m | 4:10.32 | Rashpal Dhillon Oval, Vancouver (CAN) | 17.06.2023 | 1500m ind. | 4:19.87 | Track and Field Centre, Toronto (CAN) | 19.03.2022 | 3000m | 9:47.08 | Track and Field Centre Outdoor Track, Toronto (CAN) | 03.08.2021 | 3000m ind. | 9:40.90 | Dennis Fairall Fieldhouse, Windsor (CAN) | 13.02.2022 | Mile Road | 4:47.46 | Boston, MA (USA) | 13.04.2024 | 5 km Road | 16:46 | Vancouver (CAN) | 16.03.2024 | 4x400m | 3:35.66 | Zdzisław Krzyszkowiak Stadium, Bydgoszcz (POL) | 23.07.2016 | 4x400m ind. | 3:45.03 | Edmonton (CAN) | 11.03.2017 | 4x800m ind. | 8:52.23 | Windsor (CAN) | 23.02.2018 |
| Season's BestsNo season's bests available. |
World RankingsEvent | Place | Score |
Women's 800m | 42. | 1232 | Women's Overall Ranking | 554. | 1232 |
| Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2015 | 2:10.09 | Hamilton (CAN) | 18.06.2015 | 2016 | 2:06.24 | Zdzisław Krzyszkowiak Stadium, Bydgoszcz (POL) | 20.07.2016 | 2017 | 2:04.52 | Trujillo (PER) | 22.07.2017 | 2018 | 2:08.14 | Guelph (CAN) | 14.06.2018 | 2022 | 2:00.67 | Foote Field, Edmonton (CAN) | 03.07.2022 | 2023 | 2:00.23 | Nemzeti Atlétikai Központ, Budapest (HUN) | 25.08.2023 | 2024 | 1:58.20 | Complexe Sportif Claude-Robillard, Montréal (CAN) | 29.06.2024 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2024 | 2:37.79 | Piste Ben Leduc, Montréal (CAN) | 21.06.2024 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2015 | 4:41.14 | Windsor (CAN) | 13.06.2015 | 2016 | 4:30.09 | Windsor (CAN) | 03.06.2016 | 2017 | 4:25.94 | London (CAN) | 11.06.2017 | 2021 | 4:35.94 | Track and Field Centre Outdoor Track, Toronto (CAN) | 10.08.2021 | 2022 | 4:16.60 | Alumni Field, Windsor (CAN) | 21.05.2022 | 2023 | 4:10.32 | Rashpal Dhillon Oval, Vancouver (CAN) | 17.06.2023 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2021 | 9:47.08 | Track and Field Centre Outdoor Track, Toronto (CAN) | 03.08.2021 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2024 | 4:47.46 | Boston, MA (USA) | 13.04.2024 |
Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2024 | 16:46 | Vancouver (CAN) | 16.03.2024 |
No progression. Year | Result | Venue | Date |
2016 | 3:35.66 | Zdzisław Krzyszkowiak Stadium, Bydgoszcz (POL) | 23.07.2016 |
Honours1 x Pan American U20 Championships silver medallist | 1 x World U20 Championships bronze medallist | 1 x National champion | 1 x In top 8 at NACAC Championships |
Results in principal competitions in 2025No principal results this year. |